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Sets of preaching tapes

Most tape series are $20 unless otherwise noted

Learn how to be healed, how to keep your healing and why you are not healed.
The ABC's of Healing
Volume 1

Volume II  ABC's

The battle of the mind is the ultimate weapon of the enemy to cause God's people to lose the victory.  This series shows you how to keep victory and Defeat those attacks.
Defeating Satan's Attack




How Can I get a Breakthrough?
How Can I Get A


Way of God, Inspiration of God, Law of God and the Light of God.


Walking, Working and Worshipping in Miracle Power


Getting a breakthrough deals with your heart.  This series explains the different ways of your heart.
Your Essential Breakthrough
(dealing with the Heart)


Being in the Express Image of God
Express Image of God


Where is your faith?  In Medicine or in God?  Which do you choose?
Miracles or Medicine?


Brother Jones has a vision of Jesus
When I Saw Jesus


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New Wine


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Freedom from Fear



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Mountain Movers


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Potters Hands


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Reaching Breakthrough


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The Seed
Original or Hybrid?


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